Why am I such a cunt to my mom?

This question has been thumpping in my head for the last 3 days
She's the only person in the world that I can't "escape"
But I don't want to escape her
She's the best mom I've ever known
But I can't accept the full of her
When we talk on the phone, 99% of the time, everything is fine and dandy
We talk quite often
But in person, her presence annoys the shit out of me
She represents certain things that I don't want to be anywhere near
She's way too messy. Frugal, penny pinching. 
I also don't like her sense of fashion. I used to, but either she's changed or I've changed.
Has she lost some confidence or dignity over the years? Or has my perception simply changed? Certain images have burned into my head and everytime I think of them, I cringe in agony
But that's about it.
Those things have nothing to do with me.
I can't pretend to enjoy someone's company. I'm a terrible liar and when I put on a show it eats me up inside.
She feels how much I dislike her. It's unfair.
This has to resolve. I have to be okay with her.
But how?
