I am loved.

The Universe's love is so manifested through my friends.

Marcus did something truly incredible yesterday by not only validating my experience, but also reflecting it back to me in a way so beautiful that it moved me to tears.

Those around me are not nearly as surprised by the confessions of my shadows, as by archaic narratives reminiscent of aspects of my makeup that have in effect been molted.

I surprised Chelsea when I told her that I used to be very short-fused, quick to react, snappy.

I thought my confession would be met with disbelief when I speak on the parts that have long been disowned and subsequently buried deep. But everyone has been: "oh yea and ...?"

Marcus called the fragmented identities my "artists". Instead of living out their free expressions, they have been instrumentalized by the intellect to wage wars against the world, manipulate to attain power, and safeguard the wounded ego.

Teal Swan came into my life during this very delicate time. A clip of her speaking on how we all want others to feel exactly how we feel, consciously or subconsciously, popped into my feed. She captivated me with her calm, firm, direct presence and succinct messages. I looked her up and started my descend down the rabbit hole.

She is legit. She is closer to enlightenment than the vast majority of humans. Her videos are extremely informative, at times obscure with myriad terms denoting ideas way beyond my comprehension, despite her very effort at conveying the messages as plainly as possible. Her presence is intimidating to some, but rather calming for me. You see with your own eyes how these people embody their core essence, you get inspired.

Time to observe the resistance I have within.
